6 reasons to postpone purchases until Cyber ​​Monday - ForumDaily
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6 reasons to postpone purchases until Cyber ​​Monday

On cyber monday, prices may drop another 10 percent. Photo: depositphoto

On cyber monday, prices may drop another 10%. Photo: depositphoto

Despite the fact that black Friday is considered the hottest day for shopping lovers around the world, Americans spend a lot more money on Cyber ​​Monday. According to Adobe, last year, Americans spent $ 6,500,000,000 on Black Friday, while Cyber ​​Monday spent $ 2 billion.

The term "Cyber ​​Monday" was coined in 2005 to spur online shopping on the day people returned to work after the short Thanksgiving break. Edition Go Banking Rates has collected several reasons why you should wait out Black Friday and make long-awaited - and profitable - purchases this coming Monday.

  1. You will find the best deals.

Despite the fact that many people think that prices on Black Friday are the most profitable, in fact, studies show that by Monday the price tag for many products may drop by another 10%. This is especially noticeable when buying small electronics, toys and clothing. This rule works great for cosmetics, computers and when planning trips.

2. You can avoid crowds and save time.

Despite the development of online sales, most buyers still like to walk among real shop windows and shelves with goods. In 2015, 100 million Americans visited stores on Black Friday and the following weekend, according to the National Retail Federation. You don't have to leave the house on Cyber ​​Monday—just browse deals online and shop.

Online shopping is more profitable. Photo: depositphoto

Online shopping is more profitable. Photo: depositphoto

3. You will see most of the discount offers on shopping sites.

The fact is that on Friday, many products are sold at a discount in stores, but you can often not see this online. Sellers do this on purpose to spur demand. On Monday, everything will return to its place, and on the official websites and online stores you will see the best deals.

4. You can get free shipping

It is on Cyber ​​Monday that the majority - 57% - of sellers offer free shipping to their customers. This turns out to be important, since large household appliances are often purchased. And even if the store is not going to deliver the goods to your home for free, many online platforms have additional profitable options. For example, Walmart customers can select a nearby store and pick up their purchases there.

5. You can compare prices online.

This is the main advantage of cyber monday and online shopping. You can use PriceGrabber.com, for example, to get information about the cost of a product from different retailers.

6. You reduce the risk of spending more than planned.

On Cyber ​​Monday, you can keep your spending under control. Recent research from the International Council of Shopping Centers shows that people spend significantly more money in offline stores than online. One explanation is that retailers use different tricks to get you to make a particular purchase. Everything has an impact - the design, the time you spent in the store. For example, a 1% increase in the time a customer spends in a store increases his expenses by 1.3%, the publication writes.

Read also on ForumDaily:

Black Friday: where and what discounts to expect

2016 Black Friday Best Deals

How to protect yourself from scammers on Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday

Shopping on Black Friday: How to Find Real Discounts and Avoid the Hustle

Black Friday sellout Cyber ​​Monday New York Educational program
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