Top Black Friday 2016 Offers - ForumDaily
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2016 Black Friday Best Deals

Фото: Depositphotos

Фото: Depositphotos

Black Friday remains a favorite day of shopping for Americans, despite the fact that discounts in different stores can be found in other periods.

44% of US residents said they intend to make at least one purchase of 25 in November.

Edition Team collected the most profitable offers from 16 of large retail chains in order to make it easier for buyers to search for necessary goods and compare prices.


This retailer began sales in early November, but he always saves the most profitable deals on a black Friday, some of which are listed:

Best Buy


  • sweatshirts - $15 (regularly $30);
  • thermal underwear - $8 (regularly $30);
  • discounts on a huge range of clothing and equipment for hiking and hunting.

Dick's Sporting Goods

  • 50% discount on some cardio machines;
  • 50% discount on sweatshirts and fleece products;
  • 50% discount for winter jackets and vests brand Gerry;
  • 25% discount on Nike brand products.

Five below

The store offers a price of $ 5 for most products whose regular price is $ 15-20. This list includes sewing machines, wireless stereo headsets, monopods for selfies and other products.

JC Penney

Discounts here will reach 40%.


  • $ 1,99 for fleece blanket;
  • $ 4,99 for board games;
  • 50% discount on Christmas decorations;
  • freezers for $100 (regular price $230).


Buyers will be offered a $ 15 refund for every $ 50 spent on purchases. Returned money can be spent in Kohl's between November 27 and December 5.



  • The store offers discounts up to 70%.
  • Scented candles for $ 2 (regular price $ 6);
  • Decorative frames for $ 2 (regular price $ 5);
  • Watches for $ 5 (regular price from $ 10 to $ 15);
  • 60% -70% discount on picture frames;
  • artificial Christmas tree for $ 80 (regular price $ 230).

Office Depot / OfficeMax

  • NordicTrack treadmills and elliptical trainers for $ 600 (savings from $ 900 to $ 1000);
  • $ 10 jeans (regular price from $ 24 to $ 39).
  • In addition, there will be many discounts on Christmas decorations.


  • Amazon Fire Stick TV for $ 30 (regular price $ 40);
  • Tablet for $ 33,33 (regular price $ 50);
  • Canon Pixma MG3620 printer for $ 30 (regular price $ 80);
  • Google Chromecast for $ 25 (regular price $ 35).


50 inch Hisense 4K UHD TV for $ 250;

  • When purchasing one Disney, Marvel or Star Wars toy, the second one is 50% off;
  • iPad Air 2 for $ 274 (regular price $ 400);
  • Vacuums Hoover quest for $ 200 (regular price $ 350);
  • Headphones 2 Powerbeats for $ 90 (regular price $ 200);
  • Console Xbox One 2 for $ 250, plus a $ 40 gift card (regular $ 300 price).

Toys R Us

Discounts for almost all toys in this store will be 30-70%.


  • 90 video games starting at $ 8;
  • 750 DVD and Blu-Ray movies from $ 2;
  • pajamas and slippers from $ 4,75;
  • Samsung Chromebook 3 for $ 119;

In addition, various discounts on almost all products in this store.

Read also on ForumDaily:

10 ways to save on holidays

10 ways to save at Best Buy

Shopping on Black Friday: How to Find Real Discounts and Avoid the Hustle

Black Friday discounts sellout Educational program
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