During a fire in Michigan, a dog stayed next to a one-year-old child to show rescuers where he is - ForumDaily
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During a fire in Michigan, a dog stayed next to a one-year-old child to show rescuers where he was.

On February 21, a fire broke out in an apartment building in Detroit, Michigan. Janet Kelly, a mother of four, said the fire started in the apartment below them, where another family lives. One of the children was playing with a lighter in the bedroom and set the mattress on fire. When XNUMX-year-old baby Kelly was trapped in the fire, the dog didn't leave the baby until he was rescued. The edition told in more detail USA Today.

Photo: IStock

The residents of the lower floors ran to warn everyone, but black smoke had already filled both apartments. According to Kelly, the fire quickly spread upstairs and "to the house next door."

Kelly's one-year-old daughter was still in the playpen inside the house when firefighters arrived, she said. Blue the dog refused to leave the building and "told rescuers where she was."

After losing everything in the fire, Janet Kelly, her fiancé DaQuan Davis, her four children, and Blue are staying at a nearby hotel.

"Very protective of us all"

Three-year-old Pitbull Lab Blue is a rescue dog who has been with Kelly for two years.

“Blue is very protective of all of us,” she said. “The dog loves his best friend Smokey the cat very much.”

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Smokey could not be delivered to the hotel due to lack of space. He is still roaming the damaged house, so Kelly checks on him and takes Blue to play with him.

At the time of the fire, Kelly and her fiancé Davis were at the Walmart store with their two older children, aged 7 and 9.

“I got a call from my fiance’s brother, who was at our house at the time,” she said. “He tried to get out of the house and take the children and the dog with him.”

"Nothing Could Be Saved"

The family currently lives in a minivan but was able to book a hotel room for two nights after a $290 donation to them on GoFundMe.

Without renter's insurance, Kelly and her family cannot be compensated for their losses. Their landlord's only advice was to "open a GoFundMe page and go to a shelter," she admitted.

“I had just paid him rent two days before, and when I asked him if he could give me something back, he said, ‘No, I have bills too,’” Kelly lamented.

A family friend, Pony Melange, supports the fire victims.

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“The reality is that when you are in that situation, there are few people who can help you get back on your feet,” he says.

“Much of the infrastructure designed to help is overworked and cannot do any good,” Melange noted. “This leaves families like Janet’s in a difficult situation.”

“I just want my kids to be safe, warm and be kids,” Kelly explained. “And not have to worry about where we’ll sleep every night.”

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