Portland authorities fine the federal government $ 15 every 500 minutes - ForumDaily
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Portland officials fine the federal government $ 15 every 500 minutes

City official says the feds already owe $ 192 as of Monday, July 000, writes Fox News.

Photo: Shutterstock

The City of Portland, Oregon, is fining the federal government $ 500 for every 15 minutes it retains an unauthorized fence in front of the federal courthouse. The building is being attacked by protesters at night.

City Commissioner Chloe Yudeili said on Tuesday July 28 that a fence is blocking the street outside the courthouse. As of Monday, July 27, she said the federal government owed Portland $ 192.

“We are committed to raising money,” Yudaly said. “I am committed to doing everything in my power to end this federal occupation and move forward in the way our community combats racial injustice and our efforts to transform the way we approach policing and public safety.”

On the subject: Federal agents used tear gas against the mayor of Portland

Last week, the Portland Bureau of Transportation, which Yudaley is in charge of, sent a letter demanding that the federal government remove the barrier, which was erected on Wednesday, July 22, and apparently acted as a barrier between federal agents and demonstrators.

In a statement, Yudeili said the city had not received a response to the letter.

“We are estimating a maximum fine of $500 for every 15 minutes that the barrier blocks our street, and we are exploring other remedies available to us. Typically, we send a maintenance crew or contractor to remove such an obstacle, but I will not set the workers on the path of evil,” she said. “I’m afraid to put workers in charge of doing their jobs and enforcing our laws against the federal government.”

Photo: twitter.com/ChloeEudalyPDX

Yudaly also suggested that the federal government was overreacting to “a few” violent protesters.

“Each of you has a constitutional right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly,” she said. “The actions of a few must not deny these rights, and the law enforcement response must be proportionate to the violations.” "Using tear gas and similar measures against thousands of peaceful protesters is not a proportionate response."

Youdaley was a prominent part of the chorus of criticism of federal agents by Portland politicians. She accused the Trump administration of "violating Portlanders' constitutional rights by attempting to use Portland as a testing ground for fascism" and "planning to invade cities across the country that are the president's political targets."

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