Vintage trailers on top of the mountain: organize yourself a magical outdoor vacation in California - ForumDaily
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Mountaintop Vintage Trailers: Treat Yourself to a Magical California Outdoor Retreat

You can spend the night in a vintage trailer on top of a mountain near Los Angeles. This is a California glamping you won't soon forget. Travel Leisure.

Photo: IStock

Glamping (glamor + camping) is outdoor recreation with all amenities and full hotel service. Another important condition for glamping is that it must be mobile and organically fit into the environment without harming it.

For those looking for a magical winter getaway in southern California, the resort is worth considering. SkyStream Resort, which is located in the mountains and is open all year round. Less than two hours from Los Angeles, next to the fabulous Rim of the World Highway near Lake Arrowhead, the hotel offers visitors an unforgettable camping experience in a series of vintage Airstream trailers.

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This Airstreams collection has been specially purchased and tastefully converted into glamping-style accommodations with cozy amenities such as heating, air conditioning, personal gas grill, reliable Wi-Fi connection and a dedicated mini-bus that has been converted into a camping kitchen exclusively for guests.

Airstreams is part of a larger resort SkyPark Camp + RV, which boasts plenty of outdoor activities in addition to multiple fire pits, clean bathrooms with camping showers, RV connections, and a location right across the street from the legendary Skypark at Skypark at Santa's Village.

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Plus, it's close to the Snow Valley mountain resort, making it a great place for skiers and snowboarders looking for less crowded runs that are also just a short drive from Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego.

Owners Bill and Michelle Johnson grew up together in Lake Arrowhead, graduated from the same high school in town, and have been running Skypark at Skypark at Santa's Village for nearly a decade. They add new amenities to the property every year. The latest part of their master plan was the opening of the SkyStream Resort, which officially provides visitors with a place to sleep while they're in town.

Guests can choose from six cozy Airstreams, each over 50 years old. Each of them has been individually designed to showcase their backstory. With its own outdoor fire pit, two Adirondack chairs and a picnic table, this is the perfect place to enjoy panoramic views of the valley below and the starry sky above.

Inside, each Airstream is stocked with home comforts like a DreamCloud mattress, a Keurig bar machine and a mini-fridge with bottled water. There are also bath towels and sundries for use in the showers at Camp Bath House.

As an added bonus, every stay includes breakfast at the café Kringle's Coffee & Gifts at SkyPark in Santa's Village. Visitors receive two large cups of coffee and a choice of sandwich or pastry.

And for those who want to stay longer and enjoy Santa's Village SkyPark to the fullest, one-day passes can be purchased to experience the magic of Christmas any time of the year.

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All in all, SkyStream Resort feels far from the chaos of city life, yet is less than two hours from Los Angeles. Each guest will sleep comfortably in a warm bed on top of the mountain in unique rooms that are close enough to the city to quickly escape from there to nature.

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