Hobbit Hole and Spaceship: The Most Unique Airbnb Houses You Can Rent in the US - ForumDaily
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Hobbit Hole and Spaceship: The Most Unique Airbnb Homes You Can Rent in the US

Whether you're traveling to the most amazing sights or the most beautiful national parks in the United States, you're sure to find an interesting Airbnb listing nearby. And even cooler, even if the hotel is unique. Edition Time-out collected the strangest and most bizarre Airbnb deals in the US.

Photo: IStock

1. Tiller, Oregon: Prairie at the Summit

Imagine being in the middle of nowhere, relaxing on your own private prairie, but all at 40 feet (12 m) above the ground - that's the kind of experience you'll get at this hotel. The building is modeled after fire lookout towers and overlooks the Umpqua National Forest.

Inside you will find a real paradise: wooden interior, fully equipped kitchen, comfortable beds and two rocking chairs for incredible views and local wildlife. There is even a fire pit, a wood-fired Jacuzzi, a vegetable garden and a hammock for you to enjoy.


2. Geneva, Florida: men's den

This is a room located in an active aircraft hangar (and this is no joke). In addition to being a place to relax and unwind, it also has a classic car repair garage and a large beer bar. The interior has a masculine theme: a upholstered leather sofa, framed images of airplanes and cars, a darts target, overhead traffic lights, motorcycles and aircraft parts. The loft bed is designed for two, there is satellite TV, a fireplace and air conditioning.

3. Joshua Tree, California: Kellogg Doolittle House

This luxurious location is in the heart of Joshua Tree National Park and is well worth a visit. Known as one of the "most exclusive homes in the world", the Kellogg Dolittle House is nothing short of an architectural masterpiece. Designer Kellogg has previously worked with Frank Lloyd Wright and has brought this unique vision to life over the past 25 years.

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Aside from the beautiful three bedrooms (and bathrooms), the overall interior is designed to blend in with the surrounding landscape where you won't find a single straight line in sight. The open-plan living space and kitchen are thoughtfully designed around a million-year-old stone formation, while artfully built-in glass panels provide a sneak peek at the sunrise.

4 Orondo, Washington: Hobbit Hole Mountain Hygge

Built right on the side of a mountain in the Columbia River Gorge, this hobbit hole features the famous round doorway that overlooks hills, gardens and stunning sunsets. Inside, thoughtful touches such as polished wood chess and a carpentry bench with planing tools await you to keep you busy during your stay. The hotel does not have a kitchen, but the charming RiverWalk Inn is just a short drive away. Ideal for a short break from the hustle and bustle of the city.

5 Saint Paul, Minnesota: Haunted Manor

Rumored to be haunted, this stately 1884 estate looks imposing from the outside, but the inside is filled with thoughtful details like period furniture, weathered leather chests and intriguing all-black plumbing. The master bedroom is spacious with high ceilings and plenty of windows that fill the space with light. You will have shared access to the kitchen and hot tub, as well as a very friendly Doberman called Scorch.

6. Taos, New Mexico: otherworldly home

From the outside, this futuristic self-contained home looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. The gray curve of the sculpted concrete and the wall of windows create a very otherworldly feel. Although inside it is a beautiful studio with a fully equipped kitchen and bathroom. Hand-built by owner Dan, the house collects rainwater with slanted windows, generates electricity with solar panels and maintains a temperature of 72 degrees (22,2 Celsius) all year round without air conditioning. There is even an attached greenhouse where the plants help regulate the temperature in the room and fill it with the smell of fresh mint.

7 Woodridge, NY: Glamping

This transparent yurt, located on a plot of 12 (4,8 ha), has access to a pond and hiking trails. In addition, you will have the opportunity to interact with alpacas, sheep and goats. You will get your own bed and sheets, but additional guests will have to deal with the air mattresses themselves. This space is equipped with showers, a refrigerator and a summer kitchen.

There is a recording studio, a weaving workshop and a vintage clothing store. The main attraction is the giant window that overlooks the sumptuous surrounding wildlife and gives you one hell of a view every morning.

8. Terlingua, TX: Desert Vacation

This beautiful adobe dome, nestled in the west Texas desert, is one hell of a sight to behold. This self-contained Star Wars-inspired tiny house fits just three people and is decked out with jewels, bohemian books and rustic-style wooden furniture. Real stunning views, but they are outside the lodge - you are waiting for the amazing star-filled night sky of the desert and the incredible colors of the desert sunrise. Big Bend National Park entrance is only 25 minutes away.

9 Joshua Tree, California: Spaceship

Any X-Files fan will love the opportunity to stay in this flying saucer in the middle of the desert. A truly unique glamping experience. The room includes two queen-size beds and an air mattress. Other amenities include board games and a coffee maker. Outside, you'll find outdoor hot showers and private bathrooms, while a grill lets you cook a real delicacy under the stars. This is sure to be another unique experience.

10 Volcano, Hawaii: Rainforest Retreat

Do you want to be in the thick of things? Located just eight miles (12,8 km) from the Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park and just a short walk from the beaches, the house rises fifteen feet (4,5 m) above the ground in the middle of a rainforest. From here you will have spectacular views.

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Yes, it's gorgeous on the outside, but inside you get a taste of cool Hawaiian life. Bamboo-woven bathroom walls, koa wood sinks, a handcrafted bed and wicker chairs, the home encourages you to become one with nature.

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