At Los Angeles Airport, a plane crashed into a bus: four victims were hospitalized - ForumDaily
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Plane crashes into bus at Los Angeles airport, four injured hospitalized

An American Airlines plane and a bus collided on the taxiway at Los Angeles Airport, resulting in four people being hospitalized. The edition told in more detail ABC7.

Photo: IStock

Four people have been hospitalized after an American Airlines plane collided with a shuttle bus on the taxiway at Los Angeles International Airport.

The "collision at low speed" was reported shortly before 22:00 pm on February 10 near the south side of the terminal.

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The tug driver was taken to the hospital in moderate condition, the bus driver and two passengers were in fair condition, and one person on the plane, a worker, received medical treatment but did not go to hospital, according to Los Angeles Fire Rescue.

The plane was being towed from the gate to the parking lot when it hit a bus, the airport said.

“We thank our partners for the quick response and treatment of bus passengers,” LAX wrote on Twitter.

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The bus had a large trace of an aircraft tire, and its windshield was badly damaged.

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