Toys R Us closes four stores in Florida and starts final sales - ForumDaily
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Toys R Us closes four stores in Florida and starts final sales

Network stores for children Toys R Us plans to close four outlets in South Florida in the near future, and therefore begins the final sales of goods in them.

Фото: Depositphotos

The closure will take place as part of the network bankruptcy process, during which it is planned to close more 180 outlets in the US, reports NBC.

Sale dates have not yet been announced, but they may start as early as February 8.

Toys R Us applied for bankruptcy in September 2017 of the year. The network reported that the growing popularity of online stores and increased competition led to its serious losses.

Sales are planned in such stores in South Florida:

  • Boca Raton, 21697 State Road # 7
  • Coral Springs, 6001 West Sample Road
  • Royal Palm Beach, 450 South SR 7
  • 3401 N. Miami Ave., Miami.

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