Top 10 airports in the US with the best restaurants - ForumDaily
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Top 10 airports in the United States with the best restaurants

Photos: Facebook

Most travelers have become accustomed to the terrible food at airports, which is not very fresh and tasteful.

Fortunately, some airports are the exception to the rule, offering really delicious food in the establishments on their territory. The list of such collected edition Only in Your State.

1. Philadelphia International Airport

Photos: Facebook

At this airport there are facilities called Tony Luke's, where guests will be offered excellent cheese sandwiches, which will delight you with its nutritiousness and taste.

2. Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

Photo: Beecher's Handmade Cheese

If you find yourself at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, be sure to check in Bechher's Handmade Cheeseserving the best in the world Mac & Cheese.

3. Salt Lake City International Airport


Photos: Facebook

Places Cat cora's can be found at the airports of Texas, Atlanta and San Francisco, but in Salt Lake City this restaurant offers delicious takeaway food. If you have a little time, then you can sit down and enjoy amazing snacks.

4. Portland International Airport

Photos: Facebook

There are several good restaurants at this airport, but there is also a brewery there. Rogue ales public housewhere you can enjoy a beer or delicious hamburgers, sandwiches and tacos.

5. Los Angeles International Airport

Photos: Facebook

Places Shake Shack offer unforgettable mushroom hamburgers, cheese fries and other snacks at Los Angeles airport.

6. Austin-Bergstrom International Airport

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Vino volo there are many airports, but at the airport of Austin this place is especially charming and cozy, here you can order some wine and cheese and forget about the stresses.

7. Louis Armstrong International Airport (New Orleans)

If your time in New Orleans is limited to the airport, do not worry. In institutions Dooky chase You can try some of the best traditional dishes from this region, including the incredibly delicious Jambalaya.

8. Chicago O'Hare International Airport

Photos: Facebook

Here guests are treated to delicious sandwiches on the grill, guacamole and other dishes.

9. San Diego International Airport

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Barbecues at the airport may sound strange and raise doubts about its quality, but Phil's bbq at the San Diego airport denies this stereotype. It offers stunning pork ribs and almost all possible options for grilled meat.

10. Washington Dulles International Airport

Photos: Facebook

Institution Bar symon This airport offers excellent hamburgers, as well as very tasty fried truffles.

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