Top 10 best US restaurants
Tourist portal Trip Advisor ranked the best restaurants in the United States based on feedback from their visitors.
The best was recognized as a New York restaurant. Daniel, offering modern French cuisine, as well as a wide menu for vegetarians.
According to the menu on the establishment’s website, an appetizer there will cost $140, a main course will cost $220, desserts start at $23, and cocktails will cost $14-65.
You can also order a ready-made set for dinner, in which case a four-course package will cost $ 151.
Also, the top ten restaurants include:
2 place - Victoria & Albert's (Orlando, FL);
3. Charleston Grill (Charleston, South Carolina);
4. Alinea (Chicago, Illinois);
5. Chef and The Farmer (Kinston, North Carolina);
6. Halls Chophouse (Charleston, South Carolina);
7. Geronimo (Santa Fe, New Mexico);
8. Mama's Fish House (Paia, Hawaii);
9. Restaurant Gary Danko (San Francisco, California);
10. Merriman's (Kapalua, Hawaii).
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