Tajikistan is asking for help because of the rampant elements. Video - ForumDaily
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Tajikistan is asking for help because of the rampant elements. Video

In Tajikistan, abnormal heat led to the melting of glaciers, which provoked mudflows and rockfalls. Last night, on July 21, five people were killed in Vanchsky District as a result of a massive mudflow that covered a fixed-route taxi. According to some media reports, the victims were seven.

Another mudflow hit the Vanch district center, leaving dozens of families homeless.

According to preliminary data, the damage from the mudflow already amounts to about one hundred million dollars.

According to the head of the press center of the Committee for Emergency Situations under the government, Orif Nozimov, in Tajikistan, in Badakhshan, the raging of the elements caused by the intense heat, which provoked mudflows and rockfalls, continues.

Temporarily people from the affected areas were placed in a mosque, a club, and relatives. The issue of their relocation is being resolved after specifying the extent of damage to their houses under the clay layer.

Other settlements of the Vanch district, especially Bedak village, where over fifteen residential buildings were destroyed, a bridge across a local mountain river, were hit by a new blow.

Due to the mudflow in the village, more than a hundred houses and ten kilometers of roads are damaged. During the search, one was found dead.

The representative of the emergency service also informed about the alarming situation in the area of ​​the Bartang river, where one after another, the villages were descending, threatening to cut off the channel.

In disadvantaged areas around the clock staff are on duty rescue services.

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