Suicide bombers staged explosions at Kabul airport: Americans died - ForumDaily
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Suicide bombers staged explosions at Kabul airport: Americans were killed

US officials said a suicide bombing at an airport in Kabul in Afghanistan on Thursday, August 26, killed at least 12 US troops and at least 13 civilians. Writes about it Fox News.

Photo: Shutterstock

Eleven Marines and an American medic were killed in the attacks, and a number of other American military personnel were injured, writes NY Daily News.

A U.S. spokesman said the attack resulted in a shootout at Abby Gate, where 5000 Afghans and possibly some Americans were there last night trying to get to the airport to escape.

Meanwhile, an explosion occurred at the Baron Hotel, where the Americans were gathering for rescue and evacuation. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said a day earlier that nearly 1500 Americans could still be in the country.

It is not known how badly the servicemen were injured or how many more people were injured in the large crowds that regularly gathered at the airport to flee the Taliban.

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“The Taliban advanced rapidly throughout the country during the planned withdrawal of United States troops at the end of the month. The move took the United States by surprise, causing chaos at Kabul airport and a massive evacuation. As of Wednesday, August 25, 82 people have been dispatched, including 300 US citizens.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby tweeted: “We can confirm the explosion outside the Kabul airport. No casualties are known at this time. We will provide additional details when we can. "

Meanwhile, sources on Capitol Hill said there were several explosions in Kabul. In Washington, DC, lawmakers have focused on pulling as many Americans and Afghans out of the country as possible ahead of the complete withdrawal of American forces on August 31.

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The blast came hours after the State Department warned Americans outside the gates of Kabul airport to “leave immediately” due to the growing terrorist threat. Blinken said there was a "very real possibility" of an attack.

The State Department on August 26 confirmed a major explosion and reports of shootings. The State Department said: "US citizens should avoid traveling to the airport and avoid leaving the airport at this time."

“US citizens currently huddled at the gates must leave immediately,” the announcement said.

A White House spokesman said US President Joe Biden had been informed of the explosion.

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