Los Angeles tops the list of cities with the most polluted air - ForumDaily
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Los Angeles tops the list of cities with the most polluted air

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The air of Los Angeles was the most polluted among all the cities of America. This is stated in the report of the American Lung Association.

According to the report, 166 of millions of Americans or 52,1 is the percentage of people living in the US living in counties with unhealthy levels of air pollution. Nearly 20 million people live in 13 counties where partial or short-term pollution of the atmosphere occurs.

In this case, the researchers paid attention to factors such as the reduction of ozone and air pollution with gases and small solid particles.

“This causes exacerbation of lung diseases, especially asthma,” commented Dr. Norman Edelman.

Children with normal lungs due to environmental pollution in the future may have problems that are not limited to the lungs. Heart disease can worsen, which will entail heart attacks.

The second most polluted city in the United States is Bakersfield.

Other cities in California, including Fresno, Sacramento, Modesto, San Francisco and El Centro, are among the top ten cities with the most polluted air.

There is a solution, the researchers say, if you adhere to the following rules:

  • drive less and consume less electricity
  • avoid burning wood and garbage
  • when air pollution levels are high, stay indoors more
  • avoid places with heavy traffic

Among the cleanest cities were Burlington (Vermont), Honolulu (Hawaii) and Salinas (California).

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