Congress changes age limit for tobacco and vape purchases - ForumDaily
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Congress has changed the age limit for tobacco and vape purchases

Anyone under the age of 21 can no longer legally buy cigarettes, cigars or any other tobacco products in the United States. Writes about it CBS News.

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A new law passed last week by Congress also applies to electronic cigarettes, which heat nicotine-containing liquids.

The provision to increase the legislative restriction from 18 to 21 across the country was included in a large-scale expenditure bill passed by Congress and signed by the president on December 20. About a third of the states have already passed their own laws restricting tobacco sales to those under the age of 21.

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“This is an important step in protecting the next generation of children from tobacco dependence,” Dr. Stephen Khan, new FDA Commissioner, wrote last week.

Typically, new legislation does not immediately take effect. The change simply increased the age limit in the existing law, so it entered into force immediately, a representative of the Food and Drug Administration said on Friday, December 27.

The agency has been regulating tobacco products since 2009. It ensures compliance with the law in part through spot checks. Stores may be fined or prevented from selling tobacco for repeated violations.

Anti-smoking advocates say that a higher age barrier should make it difficult for young people to buy tobacco, especially schoolchildren who have friends or classmates over 18 years old.

As ForumDaily wrote earlier:

  • Doctors talking about “Vaping epidemic”while manufacturers of electronic cigarettes claim that their health hazard is still less than the harmful effects of traditional smoking.
  • According to the latest data, already 15 people died from vaping.
  • Total in the united states over 530 cases of lung disease have been reported, associated with the use of vapes. More than half of all cases are younger than 25. In addition to deaths, there are cases of coma and disability.
  • Disease develops suddenly and is accompanied not only by standard symptoms - coughing and general weakness, but also specific: shortness of breath, growing respiratory failure and the formation of bilateral lung infiltrates.
  • Flavored Electronic Cigarettes officially banned in new york state. The ban will be valid for at least 90 days.
  • Prior to this ban on electronic cigarettes was introduced in san francisco - He became the first city in the USA to do this.

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