Research: vapes cause smoker's circulatory changes from first use - ForumDaily
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Research: vapes cause smoker's circulatory changes from first use

Smoking electronic cigarettes from their first use causes changes in the blood vessels. Such a statement was made by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Writes about this Rtvi.

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Using an MRI scan, the researchers found that after just using one of the electronic cigarettes, the blood flow in the femoral artery in the leg changed. At the same time, after a few minutes, everything returned to normal, but scientists could not determine which chemical substance led to these changes.

"You can say: 'It's a big deal for me too, nothing happens" <...> But if someone vapes regularly, there is a possibility that over time, not everything will return to its usual state, "said the professor of radiological sciences and biophysics and the author research by Felix W. Wehrly.

Changes were recorded in the blood vessels of the 31 study participant - and not one of them had ever vaped or smoked before. As the researchers noted, these changes reflect the same processes that are observed with the development of cardiovascular diseases, including chronic arterial disease - atherosclerosis. “But it takes years,” added Verley.

In May 2019, scientists found that smoking electronic cigarettes has a toxic effect, including reduced cell survival and some signs of inflammation in the blood vessels.

Doctors at the School of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts said that the growth of such research is due to the fact that electronic cigarettes are becoming more popular. However, many of the studies remain in the initial stages, when they are carried out exclusively in laboratories or tested on animals. “In addition to the harm from nicotine, supplements are a potential source of harm to blood vessels, which smokers are overly susceptible to,” they said.

At the end of June 2019, the San Francisco City Council voted unanimously to ban the sale of electronic cigarettes to people who have not reached the 21 year. The bill provides for a ban on the sale and distribution of electronic cigarettes in the city to companies that have not received a safety certificate from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

As ForumDaily wrote earlier:

  • San Francisco became the first city in the United States where banned sale in the city of any electronic cigarettes.
  • In 15 states more 120 cases of lung disease or health problems that may be associated with smoking electronic cigarettes.
  • 22 people in the Midwest were hospitalized with severe breathing difficulties, associated with electronic cigarettesDoctors do not know the exact cause.

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