How the airport in the USA became the center of conspiracy theories - ForumDaily
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How the airport in the USA became the center of conspiracy theories

In February, 2017 was 22 of the year since the opening of Denver International Airport - one of the largest in the United States. However, the fame of the complex was brought not by profile achievements, but by conspiracy theories: it is sometimes called the secret base of the Nazis, then the headquarters of the Illuminati, then the landing strip for aliens.

Edition Thrillist explains that theories came about because of the sights of the airport. The passengers are greeted by a ten-meter “hellish” horse, the gargoyles are watching from the walls, and the soldiers are depicted on the frescoes.

Construction and discovery

Problems with the International Airport began at the project stage. In 80, when the construction of the complex was announced, Denver already had one airport located in 25 kilometers from the center. Most residents of the capital of Colorado considered the construction of an unreasonable waste of money, and even went to the protests.

Initially, the airport was supposed to open on October 31, 1993, however, the dates were postponed several times: the requirements for the design and construction of individual elements of the complex changed. Each such delay strongly hit the budget: by the end of the work, the builders exceeded the stated level by $ 2 billion. As a result, 28 February 1995 of the Year Denver International Airport took the first flight.

The total project cost was nearly $ 5 billion. In Denver, they wondered what the money had gone for - the airport became one of the most expensive in the world. Then there were the first theories that the building was intended for other purposes, and the airport was only a cover. Moreover, inside the passengers met mysterious statues, murals and inscriptions.

Over the years, 20 airport management is not only accustomed to theories about the headquarters of the Illuminati or the base of the Nazis, but also began to support the discussion of the attractions of the complex.

“A few years ago we decided that it was better not to try to prove something, but just to have fun,” - рассказал publication Denver Post senior airport public relations officer, Heath Montgomery.

The secret base of the Nazis

In one of the most popular conspiracy theories, it is argued that the Denver airport is the secret base of the Nazis who survived the Second World War. Her supporters are not embarrassed that the building appeared a few decades after the fall of the Third Reich.

When shooting from the air, you can see that the runway system forms a swastika. Airport staff noted that such a scheme allows them to be used simultaneously, regardless of weather conditions. And it is more like a "pinwheel", rather than a swastika.

But the explanation of the management of the complex did not stop the lovers of conspiracies. One of the main reasons for the transfer of the opening of the airport in Denver - broken baggage transportation system. When testing in 1994, the bags were constantly lost and fell, so the engineers had to rework the plan and make an extensive system of tunnels underground.

According to the myth, this system is much more than the airport itself. And in fact, it leads to underground bunkers where the Nazis are hiding. According to other versions, there are not German officers sitting there, but reptilians.

“In the early days of the airport, people were allowed into tunnels decorated with gilded mosaic frescoes, but these passages were soon closed to outsiders. “Why do you think we spend so much money on something that travelers will never see?” says airport researcher Leonard Horowitz.

Both theories of Montgomery refuted, but said that some employees actually paint on the walls of the newcomers, and then these shots fall into the media.

At the same time, Montgomery refused to conduct a tour of the tunnels for a journalist. Thrillist. According to the employee, along with the baggage system there are located the offices of the airlines, so he can not drive people through “foreign territory”. The journalist directly asked one of the main architects of the Curtis Fentress project if there was a “bunkers system” under the complex. He either jokingly or seriously replied that he "swore to keep secrets."

"Demonic" Mustang

In the middle of 90's, airport chief architect Lydia Peña ordered the sculptor Louis Ximenez a huge statue that would meet visitors to Denver and symbolize the “Wild Spirit of the Old American West.” The result of the work was almost ten-meter blue mustang with swollen veins and luminous red eyes.

Jimenez worked on the sculpture for several years, but in 2006, she became the cause of his death: a piece of the statue fell on the leg of an 65-year-old painter and cut the artery. Because of this, the residents of Denver, before completing the work (the horse was completed by his apprentices), called the Mustang damned.

In 2008, the monument still appeared in front of the airport. The horse was given the name "Blue Mustang", but he became famous under the nickname "Bluecifer" (from the words "Blue" - blue, and "Lucifer" - devil). In the state of Colorado, several petitions were signed to dismantle the "hellish" statue, but it still stands in its place.

Proponents of conspiracy theories call the mustang the horse that the horsemen of the apocalypse need. But, according to Peña, the sculptor just wanted to give the work "mystery". And he did it: in 2011, "Blucifer" was recognized as the "strangest" monument in the United States.

Murals and gargoyles

There are enough strange things inside the terminal, open to all passengers. There are gargoyles in the corridors that look out of the suitcases. Sculptor Terry Alain explained that he made them under the influence of the first discussions of the airport plan, which were attended by church representatives. After meeting them, he came up with the concept of “Notre Denver”, a mixture of the airport and the cathedral.

Most of the questions from supporters of conspiracy theories are caused by two murals on the fifth floor of the Jeppesen terminal. Both were painted by the famous artist Leo Tanguma: they are called “In Harmony and Peace with Nature” and “Children of the World Dream of Peace”. With his works, the artist tried to convey the idea of ​​peace, but in the eyes of the researchers of the mysteries of the airport, the frescoes turned into an illustration of the “New World Order”.

One of them depicts a soldier with a machine gun and a sword that looks like a Nazi soldier from the Second World War. And in the lower right corner of Tanguma left a note signed by the name of the child who died in Auschwitz in 1945. Former dentist Leonard Horowitz, who devoted himself to studying the mysteries of the airport, said that the main character of the film was a “Nazi alien, creating a rainbow.”

On another fresco, you can see how children from different countries beat the soldier. Montgomery admitted that now such pictures would hardly have been approved in the airport lounge, but in 90's this was possible.

Hints of illuminati

Proof of the existence of the “New World Order” was found in another attraction of Denver International Airport - a granite slab with information about the complex, under which there is a time capsule. According to theories, the tablet serves as evidence that the airport is supposedly a cover for the Illuminati headquarters.

Initially, conspiracy theorists turned their attention to the Masonic symbol in the center. After that, they studied the date stamped on the plate - 19 March 1994. On this day the International Airport was supposed to open, but the dates were postponed. The researchers noted that if you add up the numbers from the day and year, you get 33: the highest Masonic degree.

It is also indicated on the stove that the airport was created by the “New World Commission”, the tracks of which are not found anywhere else. Conspiracy theorists concluded that this is another name for the “New World Order”.

In fact, the “New World Commission” is not a secret order, but a department created to celebrate the opening of the airport, and later eliminated as unnecessary. Granites slab really made the masons, but that was their contribution to the airport was limited. In 2094, the time capsule will be opened: it is known that the mayor’s sneakers, an autographed baseball and some coins were put into it. But lovers of mysteries and theories hope that they will find out the answers to their questions.

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