Another immigrant who was facing deportation committed suicide - ForumDaily
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Another immigrant who was facing deportation committed suicide

Officials are investigating the death of an immigrant who, after being detained by ICE agents, faced a possible deportation.

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Efrein de la Rosa, 40-year-old, was found dead in a cell at a Stuart detention center in Lumpkin, Georgia, on Tuesday evening. Later, the hospital noted his death, according to immigration and customs.

The apparent cause of death was suicide by strangulation, the agency said Thursday, adding that the case was under investigation.

The case of Efreyn de La Rosa, a Mexican citizen, was under consideration at the time of his death.

The Georgia State Bureau of Investigation is also investigating the case at the request of the local sheriff.

A preliminary investigation revealed that De La Rosa was left alone in the detention center at the detention center, where he was found by the staff. It was not immediately known why the man was isolated from others.

ICE spokeswoman Brian Cox said he couldn’t provide further details on the continuation of the study and analysis of the death of the Mexican.

Amanda Gilchrist, a spokeswoman for CoreCivic, which manages the facility, said the company is fully cooperating with investigators, but declined to comment on anything because of the ongoing investigation.

De La Rosa is the eighth detainee to die in an ICE detention center in fiscal year 2018, the agency said.

De La Rosa’s death occurs less than six months after the death of another detainee by ICE agents, who was detained at Stuart.

A 33-year-old Cuban citizen, Julio Castro Garrido, was diagnosed with pneumonia while at the Stuart detention center. Due to his deteriorating condition, he was hospitalized in a clinic, where he died in January of this year.

And in May 2017, the 27-year-old citizen of Panama, Jean Jiménez-Joseph committed suicide in solitary confinement in a detention center in Stuart.

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