ICE sends illegal immigrants to federal prisons - ForumDaily
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ICE sends illegal immigrants to federal prisons

The Trump administration began sending 16 000 immigrants awaiting deportation hearings to federal prisons. Something like this happens for the first time.


A spokesman for the immigration and customs services said Thursday that the agency had entered into an agreement with the US Marshals Service and the Bureau of Prisons to find a place for people caught crossing the border illegally.

The agreement was first reported edition Reuters. It follows the administration’s implementation of the “zero tolerance” policy, which requires federal prosecutors to criminalize anyone who illegally crosses the border. Previous administrations subjected the perpetrators to deportation.

The result of the new policy was a significant increase in the number of detained immigrants, which led ICE to seek additional space to accommodate them.

ICE will use 5 facilities to house immigrants: in Victorville, California, La Tuna, Texas, Sheridan, Oregon, Phoenix and Seattle. The place of detention of immigrants in California will be the largest - 1000 places.

Edition USA Today notes that the Department of Health and Human Services, which cares for unaccompanied children who crossed the border or were separated from their families after entering the United States, is 95% loaded.

Courtrooms throughout the southwest were so overloaded that the Ministry of Justice sent more prosecutors and immigration judges to solve the problem.

"I don't know how long we can keep up with this tide," Azalea Aleman-Bendix, an assistant federal public defender in McAllen, Texas, said this week.

According to customs and border guards, border patrol agents detained more than 40 000 people in May trying to cross the southern border, which is the highest figure during Trump’s presidency.

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