CIA Biological Weapons: US accuses Russia of misinformation about coronavirus - ForumDaily
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CIA Biological Weapons: US accuses Russia of misinformation about coronavirus

The United States has accused Russia of using misinformation to fuel fears over the spread of coronavirus. Writes about this "Voice of America".

Photo: Shutterstock

According to the American authorities, these efforts have been ongoing for several weeks with the participation of state media, information sites and numerous fake social media accounts that distribute fabricated information in at least five languages.

“We are observing what materials are being distributed: fake stories about the coronavirus,” says Lea Gabriel, coordinator of the Center for Global Engagement at the Department of State. “We see the entire ecosystem of Russian propaganda in action.”

Gabrielle did not go into details so as not to lend credibility to the false information being disseminated.

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However, other sources note that the disinformation campaign revolves around three main theories: that the coronavirus is actually a biological weapon, that the CIA created the virus to harm China, and that the virus is the work of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Numerous requests for comment sent to the Russian embassy in Washington remained unanswered. Earlier, Russia repeatedly denied other US allegations of misinformation.

According to Gabriel, the Center for Global Engagement, in collaboration with other departments of the State Department, is trying to expose Moscow’s efforts, but it’s not easy.

“A lot of misinformation is spreading,” she explained to lawmakers. - It's not just about individual platforms. It's about the general picture that is now taking shape, and about how our opponents are using the landscape of social networks ... I hope everyone will act responsibly to support scared people around the world against this crisis. ”

Meanwhile, social networks claim that they have not yet revealed evidence that Russia is conducting a large-scale propaganda campaign in connection with the coronavirus.

“At the moment, we do not see any coordinated manipulations on our platform,” Twitter wrote on Wednesday on a blog post. “However, we remain vigilant and invest a lot in preventative measures.”

Representatives of Twitter confirmed that they received from the Center for Global Interaction a brief summary of its findings.

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US authorities believe that Russia is able to achieve the desired effect.

“Many people around the world believe in this lie,” said Jani Wujica, director of the Center for Analytics and Research, speaking in Washington last month. - This strengthens some even more in their opinion about the West. It pushes others to form such an opinion. ”

Read the latest news and everything you need to know about the outbreak of a new coronavirus from China. ForumDaily special project “Chinese Coronavirus”.

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