An American businessman bought a housing complex near Kiev for Ukrainian immigrants - ForumDaily
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An American businessman bought a housing complex near Kiev for Ukrainian immigrants

US businessman and philanthropist Dell Loy Hansen bought an entire residential complex for war-affected displaced people in Sofievskaya Borshchagovka near Kiev, reports “Skyscraper".

Photo: IStock

Sofievskaya Borshchagovka is a village not far from Kyiv. The suburban area is built up with residential complexes, which are also bought by people from the capital. Nominally, this is not part of the city, but the infrastructure is developed here and there are direct minibuses to the red line of the Kyiv metro.

The residential complex was purchased by an American businessman, head of the Wasatch Group Dell Loy Hansen. The project was also supported by the charitable organization To Ukraine with love.

The first 52 families have already been able to move into new apartments. This is almost 140 people, including migrants from Donbass. The remaining 83 apartments will be occupied by the end of the year. It's currently undergoing renovations.

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One-, two- and three-room apartments have already been renovated, they have plumbing, household appliances, furniture, even home textiles, dishes and food for the first time.

Housing is provided for free use for a period of five years. During this time, residents pay utility bills.

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It is expected that this will allow families to save money to buy their own home, at least for the down payment of a mortgage loan.

The program participants included people who were left homeless as a result of the Russian invasion. During the selection process, preference was given to people of working age who are working or looking for work. The selection of candidates for accommodation is currently underway.

People who want to live in a residential complex can fill out a form here.

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