Trump administration sues California for protecting illegal immigrants - ForumDaily
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Trump administration sues California for protecting illegals

The administration of US President Donald Trump is unhappy that California law enforcement agencies refuse to cooperate with the country's immigration authorities.

Screenshot from FoxNews video

To resolve this issue, the March 6 White House went to court, demanding the repeal of three laws in force in California, writes LA Times.

All three appealed laws were passed by the state legislature in 2017. According to the lawsuit, they impede federal immigration law and thus violate the US Constitution, which gives federal law priority over state regulations.

“The Department of Justice and the Trump Administration will fight these unfair and unconstitutional policies imposed on the people,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said during a visit to Sacramento.

He stressed that he is fighting to make “the state safer and reduce crime in America.”

The laws in question prohibit business owners to voluntarily assist federal agents in the search and detention of unregistered workers (if they do, their act will be considered a criminal offense); prohibit local law enforcement agencies from alerting immigration agents to the fact that illegal immigrant detainees are released from custody and additionally detained for transfer to agents; and also creates a statewide inspection program that checks the conditions and quality of immigration prisons in California.

The Trump administration said that other states that have passed similar laws may also face lawsuits.

California Gov. Jerry Brown called the federal lawsuit a "stunt."

“At a time of unprecedented political turmoil, Jeff Sessions came to California to further divide and polarize America. Jeff, these political stunts may be the norm in Washington, but they don't work here,” Brown said.

California officials were preparing for the lawsuit even before it was filed. After the Department of Justice announced that Sessions would make an important statement in Sacramento, state leaders suggested a legal attack from Washington, which, in their opinion, would fail.

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