Home In the U.S.Video of an elderly couple in love at the airport collected millions of views
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Video of an elderly couple in love at the airport collected millions of views
Loving elderly couple at the airport. Photos: YouTube video frame
At Los Angeles International Airport, passers-by was drawn to 80-year-old Bernie Mills, who was standing in the arrivals hall with a bouquet of flowers for his 75-year-old wife, Carol, who had not seen for two weeks.
It was there that an unknown grandfather, waiting for his wife to return, made the headlines of many newspapers. “I was so worried waiting for her to come out,” Bernie said.
He could not sit at home and just wait for the love of his life to come. According to him, it was the longest parting since their wedding in 2010.
The video spread on the Internet attracted a lot of attention and the couple became famous. The couple said that Carol was returning from a two-week trip, which she visited at the wedding.
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