In South Carolina, an alligator chased a fisherman: the incident was caught on video - ForumDaily
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In South Carolina, an alligator chased a fisherman: the incident was caught on video

On the evening of June 20 at Shipyard Plantation, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, an alligator lunged at a fisherman - the incident was caught on video, reports ABC.

Photo: IStock

The man who filmed the incident was walking near the pond with his family.

“It was around Tuesday around 7 p.m. My wife and three kids decided to go for a bike ride,” said Micah Kimberlin, who recorded the video. — We met a couple of people standing near a pond, and then we see an alligator... This gentleman was fishing, and the alligator headed straight towards him. That's when I started filming it."

Fortunately, no one was hurt. The alligator disappeared into the pond again shortly after it ran out onto land.

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The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) said it was likely that the alligator connected people to food.

“I believe it was probably a baited alligator,” said Morgan Hart, SCDNR alligator project coordinator. “The people who fish there have given him food in the past.” It’s very difficult to wean an alligator off of this.”

Hart said that if you ever fish in an alligator pond, you should keep your distance from the water.

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“Alligators approaching you are interested in your bait, your line, your bobber, you have to pull all this equipment, move away and let them move on,” she said.

The Outdoorsman host Buck McNeely said that you should never get too close to an alligator or draw its attention, as this can end in tragedy.

“For an alligator, everything is fair game. Everyone is in the food chain,” McNeely said.

SCDNR now wants to remind everyone that a full alligator is a dead alligator.

“Once the alligator learns to approach people for food, this dangerous animal will need to be removed,” Hart said.

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