In Russia, those who approve of the actions of international organizations will be imprisoned - ForumDaily
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Russia will put in jail those who approve of the actions of international organizations

The Federation Council, the upper house of Russia's parliament, on April 26 approved a law criminalizing support for decisions of international organizations in which Russia does not participate. According to the document, for such actions it will be possible to receive up to five years in prison, reports “Radio Freedom".

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This also applies to support for the decisions of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin in March.

A new article number 284.3 should appear in the Criminal Code. It will cover "assistance in the implementation of decisions of international organizations in which Russia does not participate, as well as foreign government agencies on the criminal prosecution of officials, military personnel and volunteers who contribute to the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

The punishment includes a fine of $3000 to $120 or imprisonment for up to five years without the right to hold certain positions for the same period, reports “New Time ". Persons in whose actions there were no signs of crimes related to treason and espionage do not fall under the article.

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On March 17, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Children's Ombudsman Maria Lvova-Belova. The court statement said that these individuals are suspected of illegally deporting children from Ukraine. The decision of the court was supported by the United States, most of the EU countries (the joint decision of the EU was blocked by Hungary) and Ukraine.

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Russia does not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and does not participate in its work. Moscow has not been a party to the Rome Statute, which determines the actions of the court, since 2016.

Putin can no longer travel to countries that have ratified the Rome Statute, and to countries that recognize the jurisdiction of the court (123 states). These are all the countries of Europe, all of South America (including such allies of Russia as Venezuela), Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Brazil, South Africa, the Central African Republic, Nigeria.

The Investigative Committee of Russia announced that it had opened a criminal case against the prosecutor and judges of the ICC.

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