Record hot day is expected in Israel - ForumDaily
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Israel is waiting for a record hot day

On Wednesday, May 27, Israel is expected to have a record hot and dry day, in some areas the air temperature will exceed 40 degrees. It will be especially hot at night.

This is the second time in the last two weeks, when the air temperature in the coastal zone becomes higher than 40 degrees and can reach 41-43 degrees. The record mark in this area is 44-45 degrees.

However, by Thursday the heat will gradually begin to fall, the temperature will fall by 14-16 degrees.

The hot weather was the result of the hot wind that blows from Egypt, which led to particularly hot weather in the coastal zone of the country.

The heaviest heat will be observed in the Bekaa and Arava area, where the mercury column will rise to 44-46 degrees. In June, 1942, the year was marked by 54 degrees, which is by far the highest temperature recorded in Israel today.

Air temperature at night and in the afternoon in some cities of Israel: Kiryat Shmona - 26-40, Katzrin - 26-38, Safed - 25-36, Tiberias - 28-43, Nazareth - 267-40, Haifa - 27-40;

Tel Aviv - 27-42, Jerusalem - 26-38, Ashkelon - 27-42, Beersheba - 26-43, Arad - 26-40, Eilat - 33-45.

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