WP: Trump promised to pardon his assistants if they break the law for building a wall - ForumDaily
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WP: Trump promised to pardon his assistants if they break the law for building a wall

The other day, an article was published in The Washington Post stating that Donald Trump will have mercy on his assistants if they have to break the laws to complete the project.

Photo: Facebook /The White House

Current and former officials involved in the project told the newspaper that Trump had sent his assistants to seize private land along the US-Mexico border. They ignored environmental standards and quickly approved billions of dollars worth of construction contracts.

Trump denied the message publishing houses on Twitter, calling it "another completely fake story at the Amazon Washington Post." Trump often criticized Post, linking his reporting with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who bought the newspaper in 2013.

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However, an anonymous White House official told the newspaper that Trump did indeed make these pardon statements, but he was just joking when he said such things.

Trump previously tweeted that “The wall is growing very fast, despite a total obstruction by Democrats in Congress and elsewhere!”

Trump's promise to build a “great beautiful wall” along the southern border of America was a feature of his 2016 presidential campaign of the year against Democrat Hillary Clinton. He has repeatedly stated that Mexico will pay for the entire infrastructure project, and supported this position. even though he allowed the government to close in December after the Democrats pushed back the 5,7 offer of a billion dollars to finance it.

According to the letter Administration and Budget Management from January 6, these funds would build only 234 miles (376 km) of the wall much less than Trump had planned.

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At that time, Trump claimed that the wall would be finished in two years. But experts say that the project may take more than ten years to complete, and it can cost tens of billions of dollars.

As early as this month, the president claimed that the wall was "under serious construction." But from the almost 2000-mile (3218-km) border, only about 60 miles (96 km) of the barrier was built, and all this as a “replacement” for aging facilities.

In a July tweet, Trump said that the “fake news” suggests that the “new” wall was not built.

“When an old wall on the southern border that collapses and collapses, built on an important site to prevent problems, is replaced by a new 30-foot (9-meter) steel and concrete wall, media say that no new wall was built, he complained. “We’re building a lot of walls!”

Trump held regular meetings to try to expedite the project, and dismissed concerns about possible violations of the law, suggesting that he would have mercy on officials, reports The Post.

A few months ago, CNN reported that Trump had told Customs and Border Guard chief Kevin Makalinen that they would have mercy on him if it was established that he had violated immigration laws. According to a press release from the Ministry of Homeland Security, Makalinen will travel to El Salvador on Wednesday to discuss immigration issues.

White House Rejects CNBC Request for Comment on Post The Washington Post. But White House deputy spokeswoman Hogan Gidley, in a statement to the newspaper, said Trump “promised to protect our border with a sensible, rational immigration policy to make American communities safer, and this happens wherever the wall is built.”

The criticism reported, according to Gidley, “is simply the invention of people who hate the fact that the status quo that has been harmful to this country for decades is finally changing as President Trump moves faster than anyone in history to build the wall and ensure security and adopt the immigration policy that the American people voted for. ”

Meanwhile, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper on Tuesday approved the construction of another 20 miles (32 km) of the border wall.

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