Warm winter promotes big discounts on clothes - ForumDaily
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Warm winter promotes big discounts on clothes.

Warm weather came into the hands of ordinary Americans, but not shopping. After all, it is better to walk in the park, have a party with a barbecue than to crowd in the shops.

Sales at the popular H&M chain of stores have dropped markedly since November. The rest of the stores from Macy's to The Gap are also suffering losses. The reason is simple: people don't need new warm clothes. Now they can wear what they wore in September and don't want to spend.

With the arrival of winter weather prices are likely to fall. And Walmart will not be the only hypermarket that will start offering big discounts. Many large clothing stores that have already stocked up with a large quantity of goods will now try to sell it as quickly as possible. And this can be done only by lowering the price.

Sweaters, hats and scarves are usually the most popular holiday gifts, but not this year.

Of course, retailers often blame the weather to explain low sales. That a lot of snow, then a lot of sun.

This year, the “excuse” will be a serious problem. Large chains are already suffering losses due to warm weather. Macy's shares are down 46% this year, Gap and Ralph Lauren are down 38%, and Bed Bath & Beyond and Nordstrom are down more than 30%.

To lure buyers to the shopping shops will be big discounts.

As Forum wrote earlier, record warm weather was observed on the East Coast of the USA since the beginning of winter.

In the U.S. winter shop discounts clothes
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