Media: 10 European countries have opened ruble accounts in Russia, 4 have already paid for gas in Russian currency
Four European gas buyers have already paid Russia for deliveries in rubles, as Putin demanded, reports Yahoo.

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On condition of anonymity, the source said that ten European companies have already opened accounts with Gazprombank, which are necessary to fulfill Russia’s payment conditions.
Even if the rest of the buyers reject the Kremlin's terms, he said, there will most likely be no new shutdowns like the shutdown of gas flows to Poland and Bulgaria until the second half of May, since it is during this period that the next payments should take place.
On the subject: Russia cuts off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria: EU calls such actions 'blackmail'
Supplies to Poland and Bulgaria were halted after they abandoned Gazprom's proposed ruble settlement mechanism, which the gas giant says does not violate EU sanctions. Russia supplies gas through pipelines to 23 European countries.
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After the EU imposed sanctions on Russia over its war in Ukraine, Moscow demanded payment in rubles for supplies starting April 1. But the bloc told member states that the Kremlin's proposed mechanism requiring the opening of euro and ruble accounts with Gazprombank would violate sanctions.
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