Storms in April and cold in May: what will the weather be like in the USA this spring - ForumDaily
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Storms in April and cold in May: what will the weather be like in the USA this spring

Astronomical spring will begin on March 20, 2022, at exactly 11:33 am ET, with the arrival of the vernal equinox. However, the weather and calendar may not match. The question on everyone's mind is when will spring actually come? Here's what predicts Farmer's Almanac on 2022 year.

Photo: Shutterstock

US weather forecast for spring 2022

While many look forward to the end of winter, spring temperatures can take a while to arrive. According to the long-term forecast, the temperature will rise slowly. Around the time of the spring equinox, unseasonably low temperatures can engulf many parts of the US.

As the season progresses, an interesting dichotomy will emerge, with temperatures near normal in the northern states and slightly cooler than usual in the south.

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The only exception is the southwest, where warm to hot temperatures will prevail. The second half of May will be unseasonably cool in most of the country.

spring rains

Spring rains are expected to be heavy over the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, Midwest and South Central states. A wetter-than-usual season is forecast for these areas. However, in the northeast and southwest it will be the opposite, where drier than normal conditions are the norm. In the rest of the country, spring precipitation is expected to be close to normal.

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Stormy April

In the last week of April, a strong storm is expected over the Rocky Mountains and plains. It will turn out to be a real "meteorological mixture" with snow, wind, rain and severe thunderstorms, even several tornadoes are possible.


Since last year, the Atlantic hurricane season officially runs from May 15 (previously June 1) to November 30, with the traditional peak of activity in September. Although they can form at any time of the year, so to hurricanes better prepare in advance.

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