Groundhog Day 2022: Phil predicted when spring would come to the US - ForumDaily
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Groundhog Day 2022: Phil predicts when spring will come to the US

For over 130 years, Punxsutawney Phil has predicted the weather every Groundhog Day on February 2. Fox News.

Photo: Shutterstock

If the famous groundhog from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania sees his shadow at dawn, it means that there are still six weeks of winter ahead. However, if he does not see the shadow, you can count on early spring.

Records of Punxsutawney Phil's predictions kept at the Punxsutawneon Groundhog Club show that the groundhog sees his shadow much more often than he doesn't. From 1886 to 2021, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow 105 times and didn't see his shadow just 20 times.

Prediction for 2022

Shortly after 7:25 a.m. on February 2, Phil saw his shadow and for the 136th time predicted the fate of winter in our country in "groundhog language", reports The Washington Post. That is, this year we are waiting for another 6 weeks of winter.

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Whether you think it's bullshit or not, it's amusing to watch a group of grown men in top hats and suits hold a bewildered groundhog as if they're re-enacting a scene from The Lion King. While Phil's handlers claim he's right "100% of the time, of course!" data show that during the groundhog's career, his predictions came true less than 40% of the time.

Phil began his career in public meteorology in 1887 when he predicted a long winter. His prediction was accurate near the Mississippi Valley, but incorrect in several regions such as the Northeast, Southeast, Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, and the entire West.

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Phil is not the only predictor among rodents, but the most popular. His website says he is "the only real weather forecaster" and others are "just impostors".

Groundhog Day celebrations are held throughout North America. Other beloved groundhogs make their own weather forecasts, including:

  • Georgia - General Bo Li;
  • Ohio - Buckeye Chuck;
  • Ontario - Wiarton Willie;
  • Roles: Sir Walter Whalley;
  • Sun Prairie (Wisconsin) - Jimmy;
  • New York - Chuck from Staten Island;
  • Birmingham - Birmingham Bill;
  • Washington (DC) - Potomac Phil;
  • Massachusetts - Miss G.

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