Pentagon calls on NATO to focus on weapons innovation - ForumDaily
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The Pentagon calls on NATO to focus on weapons innovation

US Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work (Robert Work) called on the Allies to create innovative weapons. He said that bold action is needed to stay ahead of China, Russia and other countries.

Work said the Pentagon has a new plan called the Defense Innovation Initiative and is pursuing efforts focused on long-term projects to keep the United States a decisive competitive advantage against potential adversaries. “We must coordinate, collaborate and avoid plagiarism,” Work says at a conference organized by the Center for a New American Security.

NATO members need to keep their promises made last year well and send 2 percent of national income to defense, he said. Wark says this is crucial to expanding cooperation with allies in NATO, Asia and other areas, starting with planning investments in new weapons programs, writes

Miscellanea In the U.S. NATO Pentagon
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