California couple to pay $ 600 thousand for cutting oak on their land - ForumDaily
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A couple from California will pay $ 600 thousand for cutting oak on their land

In California, a judge ordered the couple to pay almost $ 600 000 for uprooting an 180-year-old oak, which later dried up and damaged protected property about an hour north of San Francisco.

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The damage was discovered in 2014, when an interested neighbor reported the presence of heavy equipment and excavations at a site that was legally guarded.

Bob Neal, managing director of the Sonoma Land Trust, went to inspect the property and discovered that the owners had uprooted an 180 year-old oak tree without permission to carry out any work.

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On the site of the uprooted oak, property owners Peter and Tony Thompson then built a new mansion. Judging by the court record, this oak tree dried up along with a dozen trees and other vegetation, which was also uprooted when they cleared a place for a new house.

The damage prompted the Sonoma Land Trust to sue the Thompsons.

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In the final court ruling last week, the judge of the Sonoma County Supreme Court, Patrick Broderick, supported the land fund, stating that the Thompson family "consciously and deliberately" violated the tree conservation agreement. He said that the couple "showed arrogance and a complete disregard for the mandatory conditions."

Broderick ordered the spouses to pay more than $ 586 in compensation for environmental restoration and other expenses.

Shortly after the decision of Broderick, the Thompsons put up for sale a property and a neighboring ranch for $ 8,45 million.

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