Emotional rating of countries published - ForumDaily
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Published rating of countries by emotionality

Published ranking of countries with the most emotional inhabitants.

The largest sociological company Gallup presented the results of the study, during which she analyzed data on the daily emotions of residents of 148 countries. In the ranking of the leading countries of Latin America, where on average almost six out of ten residents express positive or negative emotions daily.

The post-Soviet states are largely leading in the ranking of countries with anti-emotional residents, where only four out of ten residents experience positive or negative emotions daily.

During the survey, respondents from different countries were asked to mark the five negative and five positive emotions that they experienced the previous day. Among the negative emotions, survey participants noted anger, stress, sadness, physical pain and anxiety. Among the positive emotions, respondents indicated laughter and smile, pleasure, learning or doing something interesting, as well as the respectful attitude of others and the question of whether a person feels rested.

As a result, we managed to find out that the most emotional people live in Bolivia, El Salvador, Ecuador, the Philippines, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Iraq. The USA took the place of 14, and Israel took the place of 118.

In turn, residents of Kosovo, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, Ukraine, Russia and Lithuania are considered the least emotional.


Gallup notes that the results of the study are associated with the culture of countries, as well as with events that occur in a particular region, such as the economic crisis and military actions.

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