Obama accepts Pope in the White House - ForumDaily
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Obama accepts Pope in the White House

On Wednesday, September 23, President Barack Obama welcomed Pope Francis to the south lawn of the White House. About fifteen thousand spectators gathered to meet the pontiff at the residence of the American leader.

According to Obama, the visit of the pontiff shows how all Americans, representing the most diverse religious and social groups, appreciate the role that the Roman Catholic Church plays in America: in caring for the afflicted, poor and homeless, in educating children and strengthening the faith that is needed many people.

And this can be observed all over the world, not only in the USA, the President of the USA emphasized.

At the same time, the joy around the visit of the pontiff is connected not only with his role as church leader, Obama said, but also with Francis's unique personal qualities. “In your modesty, simplicity, softness of words and generosity of spirit, we see a living example of the teachings of Christ, a leader whose moral authority comes not only from words but also from deeds,” the head of the White House said.

In his greeting, the US President listed some of the global issues that Pope Francis prioritizes: helping the poor, compassion for the weak, world priority, the importance of free religion for a free person, and working together to reduce the harmful effects of climate change: the sacred duty of humanity to "protect the Earth - a wonderful gift of God for us. "

Speaking about the attention of Pope Francis to issues of war and peace, Obama thanked the pontiff for his assistance in restoring US relations with Cuba.

In his words and deeds, Pope Francis is "a deep moral example for us," President Obama stressed, thereby "leading us out of a state of complacency." This creates discomfort from realizing the distance between "how we live and the fact that (...) is true and correct." And this discomfort, the American leader believes, is a blessing that shows us the best.

After meeting with Obama at the White House, the Pope will take part in a parade around the National Mall in Washington, meet with American bishops, hold a canonization ceremony for the Franciscan monk Junipero Serra, the founder of Catholic missions in modern California in the 18 century.

Recall yesterday has begun historic pontiff's six-day visit to the United States.

Pope's plane landed at an air base in Maryland. At the ramp of the pontiff, President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, both daughters of the President and a number of officials welcomed the President.

In the U.S. The White house Pope Francis Obama
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