'We're writing a story': Trump supporters build a wall along the border themselves - ForumDaily
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'We are writing history': Trump supporters themselves build a wall along the border

A group of supporters of Donald Trump began to independently build the wall promised by the president along the border with Mexico, raising funds through a crowdfunding campaign on the Internet.

Former soldier Brian Colwich has posted on social networks a photograph of the construction of a metal fence in the state of New Mexico, writes Air force.

According to him, he and his supporters managed to collect donations for this project in the amount of 22 million dollars.

The fundraising campaign began after the US Congress refused to provide funding for the construction of the wall. Its construction was one of the key campaign promises of Donald Trump.

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Brian Kolfage, a former US Air Force veteran who lost both legs and one arm in combat, posted several photos and videos of the border wall construction on Twitter.

The construction is organized by the charitable organization he heads, WeBuildtheWall Inc (“We will build this wall”), which he founded in December 2018 of the yearstarting to collect donations of supporters.

The head of the board of trustees of WeBuildtheWall Inc is former adviser to President Trump Steve Bannon.

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In an interview with CNN, Bannon said that the new private wall will connect two already existing 30-kilometer sections of barrier barriers along the border.

Chris Kobach, former Secretary of State of Kansas, who now provides his attorney services to WeBuildtheWall Inc, told CNN that the construction of this section of private wall would cost eight million dollars.

Trump's supporter 56-year-old Jeff Allen says that the wall is being built on part of his land in the Sanland Park area of ​​New Mexico. On the other side of the border is the Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez.

“This is a purely American way of telling Congress that he is good for nothing and we will fight it. We will build this wall ourselves,” he told AFP. - This is not Europe. This is America. We protect our borders."

He assures that he does not dislike immigrants: his wife is Mexican, and his daughter was born in Ciudad Juárez in Mexico.

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“We are not talking about any racism. It's about protecting ourselves and providing America with a secure border,” he says. “If people want to immigrate here, they have to do it according to the rules.”

WeBuildtheWall Inc states that this is only the beginning of work on strengthening the southern border of the United States.

The US Border Service told the BBC that it had nothing to do with the construction of this wall.

Last week, a US court banned the Trump administration from using the Pentagon’s budget to build a wall along the border with Mexico.

Previously, ForumDaily wrote about four large-scale campaigns on GoFundMe, which collected most funds.

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