Experts at 90% are sure that the cause of A-321’s death was a bomb explosion - ForumDaily
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Experts at 90% are confident that the cause of the death of А-321 was a bomb explosion.

The participants in the investigation of the death of a Russian aircraft over Sinai on 90 percent are sure that ambient noise on board the plane was the sound of a bomb blast. This was reported to Reuters in Cairo by an Egyptian expert who asked not to be named. He refused to discuss the details.

On Sunday, on its website, the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) confirmed that the registrar of the deceased A-321 did not record the failure of the aircraft’s systems until recording ceased.

IAC experts continue to work on the site of the crash together with representatives from Egypt, France, Germany and Ireland.

The FBI agreed to help Russia investigate the causes of the death of the A-321 aircraft in Egypt. This was reported on Saturday by The New York Times.

The first about the request of the Russian side was reported by the American television channel CBS on November 6. It was about attracting American experts on explosive devices.

On Saturday, the employees of the airport of the Egyptian resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, from where the liner died in 31 minutes from October 23, told the Associated Press about frequent breakdowns of scanning devices, negligence during inspection of baggage, as well as during fuel checks. According to one of the employees, he saw how for bribes - sometimes all in Euro 10 - bags of drugs and weapons were allowed on board.

31 October crash of the Kogalymavia company aircraft (Metrojet), flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg, killed 224 man.

Russia is now forbidden to fly its tourists to Egypt. And the catastrophe itself became element of big geopolitics.

bomb aircraft crash Egypt airliner air travelers A-321 black box
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