A two-year-old girl was lost in a Michigan forest: she was found sleeping on a dog instead of a pillow - ForumDaily
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Two-year-old girl lost in Michigan forest after being found sleeping on a dog instead of a pillow

A XNUMX-year-old girl who left her home in Michigan with two dogs was found in the woods hours later, sleeping on the smaller dog as a pillow. Writes about this ABC News.

Photo: IStock

“She laid down and used one of the dogs as a pillow and the other dog laid down next to her and kept her safe,” Lt. Mark Giannunzio said. “It’s a truly amazing story.”

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Police used drones and sniffer dogs to search for the girl in a remote forest area. Local police, as well as residents of Michigan and neighboring Wisconsin, helped search for the girl.

Officers were called to a house in Faithhorn at around 20pm on September 00 after the girl became lost.

Around midnight, a citizen on an ATV found her about 3 miles (4,8 km) from her home.

Giannunzio said the girl was examined by medical personnel and appeared to be in good condition.

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Faithhorn is a village located east of the Wisconsin state line and approximately 60 miles (97 km) southwest of Marquette, Michigan.

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