Cheap and convenient: what are mini-houses and how much can you buy them for - ForumDaily
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Cheap and convenient: what are mini-houses and how much can you buy them

Amazon sells tiny houses so you can get the materials to build your dream home delivered right to your door. Home prices start at $15, which is pretty impressive. Yahoo.

Photo: IStock

Tiny houses are having a serious moment. Whether you just want a guest room behind your "regular" home, a home office that's separate from your living spaces, or a seriously downsized living space, tiny homes are the way to go. There are even a bunch of reality shows dedicated to this phenomenon. Well, it turns out you don't need to hire a special contractor to build a small house - you can just pick one up on Amazon.

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Want to add the tiny house to your shopping cart? These are some of the best deals available on Amazon right now.

Cedarshed Farmhouse

Screenshot: Amazon

Price: $ 15,363

Dreaming of a house on the prairie? This tiny farmhouse has a 6m by 4m room with an expansive (as tiny house allows) 1,2m deep covered porch. Set up a rocking chair and enjoy the view.

This home is ideal as a guest room, playroom, hobby room or office. The structure can be disassembled and moved later if necessary. All fasteners required for assembly, panel wall sections, can all be assembled using common household tools, no cutting required. The wide double door is lockable for easy entry. There are two fixed windows with decorative shutters and flower boxes.

Outdoor Backyard Prefab Home Office Shed Pod

Screenshot: Amazon site

Price: $ 26 500

This pod is mostly made up of windows, giving it a cool modern look. Inside, you get almost 10 square meters of comfortable space - enough for a table, chair and other furniture options. This house is also soundproof! Production time 8-12 weeks. Colors white, black, yellow, red.

Yardadu Prefab Backyard Office Shed Pod

Screenshot: Amazon site

Price: $ 27 500

Prefer your tiny house to have mirrored windows? The reflective glass of this capsule protects from prying eyes, so you can enjoy all 11 square meters in peace. The color is white. A retractable side window lets you catch the breeze.

Handy Home Products Palisade Shed

Screenshot: Amazon site

Price: $ 3 124

This tiny house is billed as a summer gazebo, but because it's completely enclosed, it's much cooler. It has barn-style sliding double doors, overhead windows that let in light, and an overall modern look that creates a chic vibe. Includes illustrated instructions, hardware, and limited material warranty. Paint and tiles are not included (sold separately).

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And if you have Amazon Primeyou will of course get free shipping. You can sign up for a free 30 day trial here. By the way, those who don't have Prime still get free shipping on orders over $25.

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