Adele, Elton John, Robbie Williams: celebrities refuse to perform at the coronation of Charles III - ForumDaily
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Adele, Elton John, Robbie Williams: celebrities refuse to perform at the coronation of Charles III

Several British stars turned down the offer to participate in the coronation of Charles III. Multiple reports have claimed that Harry Styles, Elton John, Robbie Williams and the Spice Girls refused to perform at the May 7th coronation concert at Windsor Castle. FoxBusiness.

Photo: IStock

The king and his wife Camilla, queen consort, will be crowned on 6 May.

It was previously reported that Adele and Ed Sheeran also pulled out of the historic performance.

“As for the choice of performers for the coronation concert, I wouldn’t panic just yet,” said Christopher Andersen, author of The King.

“Joss Stone is a friend to the younger royals and can usually be relied upon,” he shared. “There is also a long list of American pop stars eager to perform.”

Andersen noted that A-list stars such as Diana Ross, Alicia Keys and Andrea Bocelli performed at the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee last year and are likely to be invited again.

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“They would be crazy if they didn’t invite Madonna, who has a huge tour this summer,” Andersen said. - So, many options. People read too much into what really comes down to scheduling conflicts. It is highly doubtful that anyone would decline an invitation to speak at a coronation.”

Royal experts are adamant that the king was not offended. They noted that there are various reasons why some of the leading stars have opted out.

Elton John goes on his farewell tour. However, some supporters of Princess Diana have suggested that it would be odd for one of her closest friends to sing at her ex-husband and his ex-lover's big day. The 75-year-old artist made a memorable performance at Diana's funeral in 1997.

Like John, Stiles is in the midst of his world tour. And while some hoped for a Spice Girls reunion, Victoria Beckham admitted in 2022 that she wasn't willing to commit - at least not in person.

“I had so much fun playing the Spice Girls,” the 48-year-old star said. “But I think now with everything else I have going on—my fashion, my beauty line, four kids—I couldn’t make the commitment.”

Sheeran is on a tour of North America and will be in Texas on the day of the coronation. Numerous reports claimed that Adele "declined the invitation without explanation." The singer does not plan to perform publicly after March 25. The singer recently told fans during a performance at her Las Vegas residency that she was battling chronic back pain and sciatica.

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Like the 34-year-old singer, Robbie Williams does not plan to perform in public from April to May 13.

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams said that members of the British boy band Take That, as well as Kylie Minogue and Lionel Richie, are ready to perform. There hasn't been an official announcement yet, he said, but it's promising. He also noted that Rod Stewart performed at the late Queen's Platinum Anniversary Concert and may appear again. Stevie Wonder, another name that has been mentioned, performed at the Diamond Jubilee.

“An unforgettable moment of the Queen's Golden Jubilee was seeing Queen lead guitarist Brian May perform the national anthem on the roof of Buckingham Palace,” Fitzwilliams said. “It was a dramatic opening to the concert and it was a fantastic idea. During their Diamond Jubilee concert, English pop group Madness transformed the façade of Buckingham Palace into their own terraced street and sang from the rooftop. Moments like these leave indelible memories. ... King Charles will want to have a coronation concert in Windsor that will also be remembered in a special way.”

“Performers from the world of dance will also take part in the coronation concert. The King's love of the spoken word, especially Shakespeare, will undoubtedly be reflected in the line-up, he continued. Tom Cruise is known to be in love with Britain and visited the Queen at Windsor for a tea party, where he was allowed to land his helicopter on her lawn. Perhaps he could show up and read one of Shakespeare’s sonnets!”

Royal expert Shannon Felton Spence said Charles's coronation is expected to be a different, easier affair than his mother's. So entertainment is likely to reflect that too.

“The UK is a world leader in arts and culture, so there will be no shortage of options in the British Isles,” she said. “It would be wonderful if the King would widen the net and feature performers from across the Commonwealth.” This will demonstrate the diversity in art, faith, background and geography that the king made so important in his work."

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“The Prince's Trust supports performers and often involves celebrities in its work. Many musicians have a real affection for the king, so I am sure that their refusal reflects nothing more than scheduling conflicts,” she said.

However, Felton Spence acknowledged that the popularity of the Queen, who passed away in September at the age of 96, is hard to keep up with.

“The Queen's popularity was part of the spirit of the times, she was part of the fabric of British culture,” Felton Spence said. “She was a cultural icon, especially in her later years.” The King doesn't have the same appeal. At least for now".

The coronation concert promises to "bring together musical icons and contemporary stars to celebrate this historic occasion." It will feature an orchestra performing "interpretations of musical favorites" accompanied by artists and performers from the world of dance and art.

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