Florida, trying to save a patient infected with a brain-eating amoeba - ForumDaily
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In Florida, trying to save a patient infected with brain-eating amoeba

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In Florida, after infecting the brain with an amoeba, a patient is undergoing treatment, whose name has not yet been disclosed. This was stated by the Department of Health. This is the fourth reported case of parasite infection. Naegleria fowleri this year.

“We believe that this person became infected with the parasite while swimming in unsanitary water on private property,” said Mapa Gambineri, director of communications for the Department of Health, noting that there was no risk to the public.

Infection of the brain with such a parasite almost always leads to death. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in the period from 1962 to 2015, there were 138 cases of infection with amoebic meningoencephalitis, of which only 3 of the patient survived.

A person can catch an infection while swimming in warm fresh water, as well as in lakes and rivers. Amoeba gets into the nose and moves to the brain, where, destroying brain tissue, causes swelling and death. Symptoms appear through 1-9 days after infection and include headache, fever, nausea and vomiting.

The primary symptoms are similar to meningitis. Accurately recognize the infection can only be when the cramps of the occipital muscles and hallucinations begin.

For the treatment of patients using antiparasitic drug called Impavido. Thanks to him, in 2013, two patients were saved from death.

Fourth case this year

Statistics is pitiable. Three cases of infection Naegleria fowleri this year have been fatal.

11-year-old Hanna Katherine Collins contracted a parasite while swimming in a river in her home state of South Carolina. The girl died 5 August.

In June, an 18-year-old girl from Ohio died who became infected with a parasite while visiting an aqua park in North Carolina.

The third victim of an amoeba was a teenager from Harris County, Texas. He worked as a lifeguard in a summer camp, in whose territory there was probably an infected lake.

According to the Department of Health, per year, on average, an amoeba infects up to 8 people.

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In the U.S. Florida infection amoeba
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