In the US, revealed serious shortcomings in the security systems of airports in the country - ForumDaily
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In the US, revealed serious shortcomings in the security systems of airports in the country

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Employees of the Department of Homeland Security (MVB) tested the screening system at US airports and tried to carry models of knives, weapons and explosives through the screening. The system did not work in 70%, writes CBS.

As a result of the test, the Interior Ministry developed eight recommendations for enhancing airport security for the US Transportation Security Administration. Among them, the replacement of old metal detectors for tomographic scanners. According to the representative Analogy, the developer of these scanners, the technology is looking for explosives using high power algorithms.

Note that the scanner testing program was launched this summer. In early November, the ministry announced that it would additionally invest $ 4 million in the development of this technology.

Recall that in the US 2015, inspections were also carried out, which revealed large-scale security problems at airports. Then, under the cover of MVB, in 95% of cases, the employees managed to carry hidden weapons or explosives through inspection points.

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