Russia sends passenger planes to Iran for repairs: other options for the country are closed due to sanctions - ForumDaily
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Russia sends passenger planes to Iran for repairs: other options for the country are closed due to sanctions

The largest Russian airline Aeroflot sent a plane for the first time for repairs in Iran. All because of the sanctions imposed against Russia, reports “RBC".

Photo: IStock

The liner with registration number RA-73700 flew to Tehran on April 5. Employees of the largest Iranian carrier Mahan Air are going to carry out maintenance of the landing gear of the aircraft and other work.

Aeroflot noted that the Mahan Air company supposedly has “the necessary material resources, certificates and extensive experience, the provider performs maintenance with a high level of quality.”

Aeroflot has been discussing maintenance in Iran for several months. Previously, the carrier's aircraft were serviced by other companies.

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Aeroflot is the largest Russian airline, with 1 Airbus and Boeing aircraft in its fleet as of April 178. “Maintenance of the Airbus A330 aircraft in Iran will be carried out by the provider for a wide range of works. Mahan Air has the necessary material base, certificates and vast experience, the provider performs maintenance with a high level of quality, ”says an Aeroflot representative.

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After the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the European Union closed the sky to Russian aircraft, banned supply of spare parts for them, maintenance, support and insurance, and also obliged leasing companies to obtain the return of liners leased from Russian carriers.

In July 2022, the Iranian and Russian authorities signed an agreement that provides for the supply of parts and equipment for Russian aircraft, as well as the repair and maintenance of the aircraft.

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Iran has been under sanctions for many years, which, among other things, prohibit the sale of aircraft and parts for them to Iranian airlines, which include Mahan Air since 2019. Aircraft wear, poor maintenance and a lack of spare parts have contributed to several major plane crashes in Iran. Meduza.

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