'No war and no help to the Armed Forces of Ukraine': Pepsi banned mentioning the Russian invasion of Ukraine - ForumDaily
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'No war and no help to the Armed Forces of Ukraine': Pepsi banned mention of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

In the fall of 2023, PepsiCo, when searching for a new advertising and PR agency in Ukraine, set a condition: the exclusion of any mention of the war or support for Ukraine and its army in future communications, reports B4Ukraine.

Photo: IStock

“NO: references to war, military operations, aggression, military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. NO: support Ukraine and the army. NO: A negative connotation that creates a feeling of “unsafe,” says the “Pepsi Limitations” section.

War Sponsor

Meanwhile, PepsiCo's Instagram page on October 17 reported that "PepsiCo volunteers distributed food packages to 1200 families in the city of Borodyanka whose homes were destroyed." The report does not specify who exactly brutally destroyed the homes of these people.

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Perhaps because PepsiCo's net profit in Russia rose 333% to $525 million last year, and the company paid about $115 million in taxes to the Kremlin? Considering such contributions as support for the economy of the aggressor state, the National Agency of Ukraine for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) in September included PepsiCo in the list of international sponsors of the war.

PepsiCo produces soft drinks, juices, chips, snacks, dairy products and other food products under the main brands Chester's, Chipsy, Lay's, Mirinda, Pasta Roni, Pepsi, Propel, Sandora, 7Up, Simba, Snack a Jacks, Sonric's, Tropicana, and etc.

According to NAPC, the company has 19 factories, about 20 employees, 000 agricultural workers and 40 open positions in Russia.

The company announced the cessation of advertising activities and production of certain drinks in Russia in March 2022. While allowing the sale of other products, such as infant formula and baby food, to, as PepsiCo put it, “stay true to the humanitarian aspect of our business.” However, in fact, the company continues to produce and distribute chips, snacks and soft drinks. According to Bloomberg, PepsiCo's revenue in Russia grew by 16%, and profits quadrupled. The soda maker said its Russia operations will account for 2022% of consolidated net revenue in 5, up from 4% a year earlier.

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Now the iconic Pepsi Cola is sold under the Evervess-Cola brand. Although regular Pepsi Cola is still easy to buy in Russian supermarkets thanks to the so-called parallel imports, when goods are imported without the manufacturer's permission.

In early September last year, PepsiCo came under fire for its business in Russia, when the company's products were banned by the Finnish parliament and operator Scandian Airlines SAS, and on September 21, ironically, a Russian missile damaged a PepsiCo plant near the Ukrainian capital Kiev.

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