Recipes for delicious coffee drinks from a former Starbucks barista: you can easily make them at home - ForumDaily
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Recipes for delicious coffee drinks from a former Starbucks barista: you can easily make them at home

Stefania Marceglia is a content creator and former Starbucks barista. She lives in Chicago, where she works with local coffee shops to host coffee tastings and barista training workshops. She shares how easy it is to make 5 delicious coffee drinks at home, reports CNBC.

Photo: IStock

For nearly four years, Stefania worked as a barista at Starbucks in Chicago. So it's no surprise that she spent up to $40 a week on lattes.

But since then Stefania has bought less coffee every day, and this has saved her a lot of money. Now she makes her own drinks at home. It's easy and also delicious.

Homemade recipes inspired by the most popular Starbucks drinks

Stefania recommends purchasing a metal moka pot for stovetop brewing. It works by allowing water at the bottom to pass through a small internal container of powdered coffee and flow out the top. These pots come in a variety of sizes and cost between $17 and $99.

For an inexpensive machine that does it all, the DeLonghi Stilosa espresso machine is a great option.

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If you want to make hot milk but don't have a steamer, you can easily boil it or cook it in the microwave.

Here are some of Stephanie's favorite homemade recipes. It was inspired by the popular Starbucks drinks (based on the 16oz cup size):

1. Caramel macchiato


  • 1 tablespoon vanilla syrup.
  • Caramel sauce.
  • 170 ml of any milk.
  • 2 shots of espresso.
  • Ice (optional)

Method of preparation:

  • Take a coffee mug and add some vanilla syrup.
  • Pour milk almost to the top, leaving room for espresso and ice.
  • Add some ice and fill it with espresso.
  • Top with caramel.
2. White chocolate mocha


  • 1 tablespoon white chocolate sauce (or 1 tablespoon melted white chocolate)
  • 170 ml of any milk.
  • 2 shots of espresso.
  • Ice (optional)
  • Whipped cream (optional)

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Method of preparation:

  • Take a coffee mug and add white chocolate sauce (or chips).
  • Prepare the espresso, pour it into a mug and stir until the sauce and espresso are thoroughly combined.
  • Pour in the milk.
  • Add ice.
  • Top with whipped cream.
3. Tea Latte


  • 110 ml tea concentrate (Stefania uses Rishi Tea & Botanicals Masala Chai).
  • 110 ml of any milk.
  • Ice (optional)
  • Cinnamon (optional).
  • Nutmeg (optional)

Method of preparation:

  • Pour equal parts tea concentrate and milk into a mug and heat with a steamer (or in the microwave for about two minutes).
  • Heat everything to 150 degrees and pour into a coffee mug.
  • Sprinkle the drink with cinnamon and nutmeg to taste. Stir and enjoy.
4. Cold drink with vanilla sweet cream


  • Cold drink of your choice (canned, bottled or homemade).
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla syrup.
  • 90 ml milk 2%.
  • 90 ml heavy whipped cream
  • Ice.

Method of preparation:

  • Take a mug and pour the desired amount of cold drink.
  • Fill with ice, leaving room for vanilla custard.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together milk, whipped cream and three drops of vanilla syrup.
  • Pour in desired amount of vanilla sweet cream.
5. Mint mocha


  • 1 tablespoon mocha sauce (Stephanie prefers Monin Dark Chocolate) or melted chocolate.
  • 1 tablespoon mint syrup.
  • 2 shots of espresso.
  • Milk.
  • Ice (optional)
  • Whipped cream (optional)
  • Chocolate chips (optional)

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Method of preparation:

  • Take a coffee mug and add mocha sauce and mint syrup to it.
  • Prepare your espresso. When ready, pour into a mug and stir. Make sure the espresso, mint syrup, and mocha sauce are thoroughly mixed.
  • Pour in the milk. Add ice, then garnish with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

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