Two disasters occurred at an air show in Wisconsin: 4 people died, 2 injured - ForumDaily
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In Wisconsin, two disasters occurred at an air show: 4 people were killed, 2 were injured

On July 29, four people were killed and two others were injured in a multiple plane crash near an air show in Wisconsin, reports People.

Photo: IStock

The accidents occurred during EAA's annual AirVenture Oshkosh conference, which is held at Wittman Regional Airport.

Two disasters in one day

“A single-engine North American T-6 Texan crashed into Lake Winnebago around 9 a.m. local time on Saturday, July 29, after taking off from Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. There were two people on board,” the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said.

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The U.S. Coast Guard in the Great Lakes region said divers found the bodies of two people who died in the crash of a single-engine plane.

The aircraft "reportedly maneuvered before rapidly descending."

“A Rotorway 162F helicopter and an ELA Eclipse 10 helicopter collided in mid-air while flying in the AirVenture area of ​​Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin at approximately 13:30 p.m. local time on July 29. There were two people on board each helicopter,” the FAA said.

As a result of a mid-air collision, the pilot of the RotorWay 162F helicopter, 69-year-old Mark Peterson, and passenger, 72-year-old Thomas Voltz, were killed. Voltz was a US Air Force veteran who came to the event with his grandson. Two more people were injured. The planes belonged to congress members but did not participate in the air show.

"They tell me they don't know what happened," Wolf's wife Patty, 52, said. Her grandson called her with the heartbreaking news.

“He said, ‘I hate to tell you this, but Babi has passed away,’ as they called him,” the widow said. “I just screamed and said: “No, it’s not him!” No, it is not him".

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She noted that Peterson, who piloted the aircraft, was a very experienced and reliable pilot.

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh organizers said the survivors are in hospital in stable condition. They also noted that all activity at the airport had been temporarily suspended and the afternoon airshow had been postponed.

Death of daughter of two-time Super Bowl winner

Among the four victims of the crash was the daughter of two-time Super Bowl winner forward Bruce Colley. She died a few days after celebrating her third wedding anniversary, according to NewYorkPost. Bruce Colley won two Super Bowls with the team in 1989 and 1990.

Collie's daughter Devin Reilly, 30, and her co-pilot Zach Collimoreno, 20, were flying a World War II T-6 Texan as part of the AirVenture Oshkosh airshow when the plane crashed into Winnebago Lake around 9 a.m. July 29. The tragedy happened five minutes after takeoff.

The vintage plane reached a height of 1188 meters before crashing into the lake.

Witnesses to the crash said the plane was spinning uncontrollably on its way down before crashing into the water.

“At first I thought they were doing a trick,” said Braden Hibing, who was fishing in the lake when the plane crashed.

“I heard the plane start descending from the sky, it started spinning and suddenly made a big splash,” Hibing said.

Reilly's husband, Hunter, with whom they co-owned a flight school in Texas, was also with her in Wisconsin for the event. On July 26, the couple celebrated their third wedding anniversary.

“All you wanted was to make WASP proud of you. You deserve your wings,” Hunter wrote on Facebook about his wife.

Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) is an association of civilian female pilots formed during World War II to assist the military.

Reilly was the eldest of 13 children of former San Francisco 49ers member Bruce Colley, and her younger sister describes her as "fascinated" with aviation.

“She was the big sister and everyone looked up to her,” said 21-year-old Kaelin Colley. “Her love for aviation was always evident from a young age.”

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Reilly became a certified private pilot in 2017, intending to become a certified commercial pilot, according to the Texas Warbird Museum, a non-profit organization she founded with her husband and family to preserve decommissioned World War II military aircraft.

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Airshow crash Incidents
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