In California, 1 prices were returned on 1959 day of the year: police had to disperse the line - ForumDaily
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In California, 1 prices were returned on 1959 day: police had to speed up the line

Amazon came up with an original campaign to advertise the new season of her Amazing Mrs. Maisel series in California. The company returned the prices of 1959 of the year for a number of products in different cities of the state. Writes about it Rtvi.

Фото: Depositphotos

At ultralow prices in California they sell movie tickets, milkshakes, hotel rooms and so on. In total, the action has about 30 partners. Due to the hype surrounding the rally, the police had to be involved.

But the most popular was one of the gas stations in the city of Santa Monica, where gas prices fell to 30 cents per gallon (about 4 liters). On average, gas in the USA costs about $ 2,6 per gallon, while in California it is even more expensive - about $ 3,5.

Screenshot: Twitter / @ MaiselTV

Such lines of cars were lined up for refueling that the police had to block the territory nearby and demand that the owners temporarily stop the action.

After some time, gasoline sales on 30 cents continued.

Screenshot: Twitter / @ adejoessined

The action of “The Amazing Mrs. Maisel” takes place in the late 1950's in the USA, though not in California, but in New York. The series tells the story of Miriam Meisel, who once realizes that her calling is to be a stand-up comedian. The series has two seasons that have received Emmy and Golden Globe awards. The current Amazon campaign, apparently, is timed to coincide with the next Emmy award ceremony, where the show has two dozen nominations. Awards will be presented at the end of September.

Maisel extended for the third season, which should be released before the end of 2019 year.

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