At the airport, San Francisco almost collided two aircraft
Aircraft Aeromexico almost landed on the wrong runway at San Francisco International Airport. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is now investigating the incident, officials confirmed on Wednesday, writes NBC News.
The incident became known on Tuesday, when the flight Aeromexico 688 from Mexico received permission to land on the 28R runway at San Francisco International Airport.
«Aeromexico Flight 668 I was preparing to land on the runway 28R and correctly calculated the path for landing. When the plane was about a mile from the airport, air traffic controllers noticed that the plane was heading for the 28L runway and instructed the crew to return to their lane, as the plane was on the 28L line at that time Virgin America"said FAA spokesman Ian Gregor.
If the dispatchers did not see the error, the plane Aeromexico could run into an airliner Virgin Americawhich was departing from San Francisco to Kona, Hawaii at the time.
Aviation consultant Mike McCarron stated that the aircraft Aeromexico was just 500 feet off the ground and a mile from another plane when the direction was changed.
"We almost landed, but then we had to turn back because the planes were too close," said Flight 668 passenger Melanie McDonald of San Francisco.
McCarron said that passengers should not worry, because the system works.
“All backup systems are working,” he said. “The controllers were watching, they saw that the plane was not aligned correctly, they gave the command to go, so it landed safely.”
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