Trump ordered to send the National Guard to the border with Mexico
President Trump signed a proclamation to immediately place the National Guard on the southern US border.
National Security Minister Kirsten Nielsen said at a briefing at the White House that the administration hoped that the dispatch of the National Guard to the southern border would begin “right away,” writes Fox News.
“Despite a number of steps taken by this administration, we continue to see unacceptable levels of illegal drug trafficking, dangerous transnational criminal organizations, and the flow of illegal immigration across our border,” Nielsen said.
“The President has directed that the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security work with our governors to deploy the National Guard to our southwest border to assist the Border Patrol,” she said.
On Wednesday, April 4, when the proclamation was signed by Trump, the number of soldiers was not known and how long the National Guard would be at the border, as well as what its duties would be.
Edition Fox News recalls that during the administration of George W. Bush, the deployment of the National Guard on the border cost the state $ 415 million.
Nielsen pointed out that scammers are using loopholes in American laws to attract more illegal immigrants and benefit from them. For example, immigrants are told that if they have children when they cross the border, they will most likely be able to stay in the United States. She also added that almost 50 percent of illegal immigrants arriving are from Central America.
“The smugglers know that these are people we cannot, under U.S. law, quickly deport to their country of origin, so they exploit the loophole,” she said.
She also said that the administration had developed legislation and would ask Congress to provide legal authority and resources to solve this problem.
“We will not allow levels of illegal immigration to become the norm,” she said. “More than 1000 people a day, 300 a year, violating our sovereignty will never be acceptable to this president.”
Last Wednesday, Trump wrote in Twitter, that he "will take serious measures" on the border with Mexico. The tweet appeared a day after his statement that he wanted to send troops to the border until a wall was built.
Claiming that the US border laws are "very weak" compared with Mexico and Canada, he accused the Democrats of wanting immigrants "to freely enter our country."
Former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush stationed the National Guard on the border to enhance security.
Associated Press reported that the White House is looking at a model similar to the operation in the Bush era when 2006 was sent to the National Guard in 6000 to assist the border patrol with non-law duties, while additional border agents were hired and trained.
Trump’s recent focus on illegal immigration appears to have been partially motivated caravan of more 1000 migrants from Central America heading for the US border.
Trump threatened to end the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and cut foreign aid in countries such as Honduras, where many of the migrants come from if the caravan does not stop.
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