Employees at JFK, LaGuardia, Newark airports on strike - ForumDaily
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Employees airports JFK, LaGuardia, Newark on strike

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Summer of Hell has now reached the airports of New York.

Around 700, employees of three major airlines began a strike on Tuesday evening at 9, which could adversely affect flights United Airlines, American Airlines and JetBlue.

Hundreds of workers working with people with disabilities, luggage, customer service agents, cabin cleaners and drivers left their jobs at airports JFK, LaGuardia and Newark because of a labor dispute with your employer PrimeFlight Incwho subcontracted his services to other airlines.

The strike began on 9 evenings with a picket at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, outside Terminal C. This continued today, July 12, at the airport Laguardia. Other large rallies and pickets started on Thursday at JFK at 13: 30 at the 5 Terminal, organizers said.

Over the past few years, more than 8 000 airport employees in New York have started successful campaign campaigns, and through the 32BJ union, they have received better wages, working conditions and benefits.

Employees PrimeFlight Inc. are the last ones trying to make a deal with their employer, reports 32BJ. But failure PrimeFlight to recognize 32BJ as a representative of the union’s negotiating process, forced workers to file a complaint with the National Labor Relations Committee (NLRB).

NLRB discovered that the company had violated the law and was legally obliged to harmonize the standards of work with JFK employees, who first initiated the charge.

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