Rating of American cities with the highest salary - ForumDaily
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Rating of American cities with the highest salary

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The rating is based on data collected by PayScale. Its staff analyzed the performance of almost 100 regions of the United States with a population of more than 50 thousands of people in each. Bonuses, tips, commissions, overtime and other reliable income were also considered income. In addition to the average salary in the region, incomes of young specialists (up to five years of work experience) and more experienced workers (10 and more years of work experience) were also calculated separately.

The list is headed by the California region of San Jose - Sunnyvale - Santa Clara, where the average salary is 105 600 dollars.

In the San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont area, this figure is 85 thousand dollars a year, and for more experienced specialists, 131 600 dollars.

In third place is the Bridgeport - Stamford - Norwalk, Connecticut, region, where on average 73 300 dollars are paid annually.

The Texas region of McAllen-Edinberg-Mission with an average salary in 48 800 dollars closes the rating.

As Forum previously wrote, American employers have created In December, 292 had thousands of new jobs - more than last year, it was only in October. And the unemployment rate over the past 12 months has been reported to have halved.

Experts believe that, despite the crisis in the global economy and unrest in stock marketsThe US economy is growing at a steady pace, which is also indicated by steady employment data.

In the U.S. economy California salary San Francisco
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